General » 7DS
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50-cal: Hey chops whats a falcom? Lmao
10-09-13 23:23
drksummer: Smh y do those 2 HAVE 2 SHOUT when they post everytime glad i cnt really hear them lol bored w8n on stamina 2 rebuild
10-09-14 09:51
50-cal: IM NOT SHOUTING IM SPEAKING WITH POWER! Ya lets go with that lol
10-09-14 18:57
drksummer: Lol nt u bro
10-09-14 20:07
vah_shir: Gothic shield of health
Falcon mask of damage
War hammer of health
Full helm
Splint mail
"Gaelic" Great helm
War staff
Broad axe
Tower shield
Gnarled staff
Antlers of wisdom
Battle staff
"Gaelic" Greaves
Anyone need any of that lot pm
10-09-16 02:46
50-cal: zombie ring with 2 strength sones attached for free, messg me
10-09-21 21:32
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