swtdrmz: Although I understand Pvp rewardz in castlez I do not think it should b Pvp in mspz unless ppl want it. I feel it should b their choice if vp is turned on. My pinion a few should not dictate to all. Not all have great gear n ones who do can discourage those who don't. BlackDragon will lose ppl trying to learn game n lvl up.
13-01-09 01:39
zub-zero: No to me there are a lot of new members that play and if pvp is on those members will leave cos of getting atk every time that's why they choose server 1 to see how the game work. To put it on it will kill the game look how many is online on s2 server one is better without pvp on maps sorry its my opinion
13-01-09 01:52
dragndagkilla: yep, people like earning there gear more than one way, pvp will just enforce to earn one way, as u would keep losing gear otherwise, people struggling wont have anything to turn too if choices u make are risky/all maps being pvp
13-01-09 02:52
jecht75: Sorry if i upset anyone but i see it as this...majority of bd players chose to play s1. Pvp should remain for arenas and castles of course just as it is in s1. As for the very few ppl that want hardcore pvp everywhere and castles saying that is the incentive of castles...the incentive of castles and fighting for them is the exp boost for having castles. Should have it the same way as it is currently in s1...is fair towards all players despite what gear they possess.
13-01-09 03:02
vendetta: Server 1 was pvp in the map before. That was the whole reason server 2 was created. To make a peaceful safe place on server 1 for those who chose it and a hardcore pvp for those who wanted it in server 2.
13-01-09 04:08
shido: no to me too.
I was registered on s2 5days ago on the day of start of s2..and my start of playing i was enjoyed bcoz i got the item stamina potion and i sell it and of course i have money and bought my items but while im in the map someone attacked me and got my items and gold too.im very disappointed bcoz of that.thats why i abandoned my account on s2 and im stick to play on s1.
13-01-09 04:15