General » Pvp in mapz or not
jecht75: keep crying shatter...this what you do every time you dont get your way....grow up
13-01-12 07:30
shatter: and yet again jecht another diablo player quits cause if s1 remains stagnant i just go to another game and spent my time an money there for excitement. mayby then u guys that complain about everytime a update is made that challenges you will have to support the game some
13-01-12 06:18
jecht75: well again shatter, will probably be the way the MAJORITY of ppl want not yet again A SELECT FEW. u dont dictate how rules will be...dreamer will. done with this subject and the broken -good-
13-01-11 14:38
shatter: only way to make castle threat equal to the advantage of exp is make it hardcore with loss of wearing item. os of castle or arena idc they not getting 20 percent extra exp in wyvern nest lol
13-01-11 06:59
lordajie: Pvp in maps with 5 lvl limit, and drop inventory only and gold.. Pvp in castle and arena no limit lvl and drop gold only.... I hope dreamer change rules like this...
13-01-11 06:27
fr3nzy: Dreamer should make unlimited pvp in castles. No limit. then it might be worth it
13-01-11 05:40
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