General » Pvp in mapz or not
lordajie: I think this game need new features at s1... Like, if someone trying attack you, u will get message.. In that message, u can accept that attack or reject it... So, if your enemy too strong u can reject it... But, pvp like this is hardcore...
13-01-09 04:17
dempol: It's a no for me too. I love S2 for its hardcore feature, but you may call it survival of the fittest.

Countries that aint supported with sms credits must work hard really hard to get better gears.

S1 is no s2, when servers merge I am looking forward to see how S1 works ajaja. -rofl-

Hence, let's just leave S1 for what it is. -taunt-
13-01-09 05:02
halbred: s2 is for people that know they can win by fighting, i say we bring that to s1 so they can be the same way -good-
13-01-09 08:33
beware: no to me.. i was already been made here but look what happen lots of people quit.. s1 is a safe place if you want pvp go to s2 ..or in arena
13-01-09 08:36
shatter: i say yes. s1 has gotten stagnant. bd will not lose players because of pvp thats just stupid fears of players who like sitting in chat makeing people mad so of course they dont want pvp or the thiefs that steal kill shots on mobs. what lost alot of players in bd was pvp be taking out of s1. as for castles being hardcore pvp they should be. at 20 percent exp per castles is a great reward. there should be danger. u say make it fair for all ok lets look at this. in s1 warlords holds all 6 castles why is that hmmm lets see whats ther smallest chr in that clan hnmmm 70 plus so how is that fair. if u guys dont want risk holding the castles then the exp bonus they give should be taking away
13-01-09 08:40
shatter: u wanta wrap in ur security blankets and suck ur pacifiers mayby u should go play with ur barbie. s1 is to boring put pvp back in and we get our old players back. the ones that actually supported this game by buying credits
13-01-09 08:43
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