General » Pvp in mapz or not
jecht75: so since you refuse to fight me in shade...hmm. lol at me playing with barbie about you get off your lazy butt and fix me dinner rotfl
13-01-10 15:24
jecht75: coming from someone who would never fight me in shade at shatter even with all my gear i remember your words in general chat...thats
13-01-10 15:20
jecht75: are you still crying shatter???? -lol- well take awy anything from having castle and tell me which clan will want to defend it for keep crying shatter, your good at it
13-01-10 15:17
lordajie: I agree with shatter... Big reward = more risk :D
13-01-10 13:41
shatter: thats all im saying if castles arent hardcore with loss of gear on death then there should be no exp bonus from them
13-01-10 08:47
shatter: u want everything thing handed to you without threat of loseing anything jecht. hmm mayby play with ur barbie
13-01-10 08:45
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