cyanid3: Barbarians Should Be Able To Use Skills Such As Magic Defy Which Makes Spells Miss 2x During Battle, Bash Which Stuns Enemy For 1 Round And Beserk Be Able To Hit 2x Per Round Ever Since Druids And Pallys Gotten Better Gear And Spells It Made The Barbarian Really A Crappy Class 2 Fight People With Dreamer Do Something For Us Barbarian Lovers 4 A Change Not Just Druids And Paladins U Gotta Even Things Out Game So 1 Sided Atm Aint To Much Fun Kinda Hate The Fact Theres Like 100 Pallys 150 Druids In Game And Like 75 Barbarians Shows U That Game Not Being Fair But Only 2 Magic users
10-08-30 07:54
drrockso: Ask diablo about that cy. He hits me f0r ab0ut 70 dmg in 3 r0unds. S0unds like u just need to w0rk str and upgrade ur weap0n.
10-08-30 13:35
cyanid3: I Dont Mean It Like That Mean Why Cant Barbarians Get Cool Skills Like Spells That U Guys Able 2 Have
10-08-31 00:46
50-cal: Because barbarians are supposed to be known for brute strength and brutality bro
10-08-31 15:24
mallows: with those skills u mentioned it seems like ur putting all the favor on barbarian class even barbarian got great gear to choose from but u need to exert some effort finding it same as paladin and druids those skill u want to be are all superb lol
10-09-01 11:42
cyanid3: barbarians on all rpgs have skills the druids have there spells the pally got theres i don't see where barbarians get any advantage by adding 1 or 2 skills to them druids got heal mana shield ice arrow magic arrow slow same with paladin wth and barbarians just get better gear bull crap pally shields way better than barbariansand druids gear stats are better if babarians cant get spells then they should have best gear in game out right armor rating wise and stat bonuses better than pally or druid combined since they lack in spells
10-09-03 20:47
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