Ideas » BARTERING!! :]
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strategy: The
10-09-06 06:06
strategy: Auctions make it too easy to get gear. Plus u have people flooding the auction with junk. And overpricing gear.
10-09-06 06:02
calyx7: Me too there should be an auction in the home page where we can sell our item with our own (over)price. And put some item search too like search by levels,armor,helm ,weapon,druid class/barbs class, etc.
10-09-06 02:30
bluntslayer: I agree with Velius, there should be an option to purchase or sell items to other players, for gold. I have nothing against the trade system, but not many players are willing to trade a really good item for a really crappy one. Just a thought dreamer.
10-09-05 14:32
velius: I been noticing that u cant realy do much with gold on game except buy potionz and evry n0w an then buy gear n sh0p which doesnt happn often. I was thinkn maybe that we could be giving the option to offer 2 sell an item 2 an0thr player for gold amount we want and them given option to accept or not. It would work just like the Offer Trade option except we can can choose gold and pick the amount we want 2 offer for item. Except we would have 2 b carrying the gold on us 2 b able 2 do it an b n same area much like trades are d0ne n0w. It would make gold m0re useful an people would use it m0re and also bankz n town would serve a better purpose an ppl would use them m0re. Just thought that it b a great idea Dreamer. What do yall think?
10-09-03 08:14
bladsy: 1/1