Off-topic » pit of 100 challenges
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gilang2: stop makiki99's challanges
13-02-03 05:26
jry16: uhh........ make a time machine, get hitler before he starts the houlocaust.
13-02-05 00:52
dragonarmr: 7. beat a pokemon game with a magikarp and a metapod(no evolving them)
13-03-01 04:42
dragonarmr: (after you catch them you have to release your starter)
13-03-01 04:43
skatergirl13: blow bubbles with beef jerky!!
13-03-09 01:17
dadinosawr: Challange 1: Make every pie in the world. Challange 2: Shove all the pies in your face. Challange 3: Make a time machine. Challange 3: Go back in time and kill Christopher Columbus. Challange 4: Go back in time and stop the meteor that killed all dinosuars. Really, I'm the only dinosaur alive... Challange 5: Eat a 5 ft. ape.
13-08-20 23:02
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