arthur102: new compitition in darkspawn hardcore pvp based on level mill of gold as price so what are u waiting for u know who to pm (zub-zero)
13-01-31 19:35
crystalwarrior: A new competion again in darkspawns for al the darkspawns members. .the cmpetion is gona we a race. Ya u heard it right race . !!! A race amng the members to reach the finishing point as fast as they can whr they get the best price they could hav curntly. .
The race would b like for 30-35 lvls to reach lvl40. .40-45 to reach lvl50. .and so on. .and what u get u get the best gears and gems u could hav at the finishd lvl whch would make u even strong. .cmon al rush to be dark spawns . .dnt mis the race. . . Thank u
13-01-30 05:08
nicenicholas123: I'm a member of The Darkspawn. Let me tell all you readers, this group is very exciting and fun! Competitions, friendly members, and all that good stuff is right here in this group! Hopefully you decide to join cause if you don't, your missing out on some big things!
13-01-30 05:01
zub-zero: Our first competition is starting and to show what you are missing here is the prizes
1st prize: 300000gold & Chaos hydra's gothic mail
2de prize: 200000gold & Medusa's long sword
3th prize: 100000gold & Magi's blade
13-01-30 02:34
zub-zero: HI the darkspwans need members lv50+ that's active in clan chat clan forum and play the game for fun we are working on competitions in the clan to make it fun for our clan members if your interested pm me your request and post here. I don't want other clans to say I steal members but our clan is here for the enjoyment of the game
Everything will be up and running in a few days or a week there are a lot of members that is active that don't have clans so for those high level we look forward in having you in our clan its not always about the clan who have the castles or have diablo members its about teamwork and making the game fun when your a low clan
My clan mite be full but some don't play the game anymore or never use the forum or clan chat
Thanks for your time to read this
The Darkspawns
13-01-29 05:19
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