mingii: I want to buy credit with zong..
But i don't know..
Please help me... I want to buy suporter
13-05-13 02:56
ajex: Dreamer,please get join to MOPAY. Cause the provider from indonesia joined MOPAY to get money game service.
13-09-10 09:01
flesh_eater: Maybe partnering with globe telcom is great. I dont know how to use smart and maybe globe is the sim that most ppl use in philippines
14-02-26 10:53
plat: Am player from indonesian, cant buy credit at one month, via paymentwall mobiamo, please pix its fast, make that buy credit easy via paymentwall mobiamo
15-03-26 07:29
lazark: Sir dreamer it's not working to me, I try to purchase credits by mobile, but it's always a problem. Always come to Singapore networks. Intead my country Indonesia. I'd change the payment to IDR but still come to SGD.
16-07-19 06:51