justex10: The new market place system?! its worst... the old mp system was super, but now... and i also acept with mirus for the xp.
13-02-02 21:10
alphawolf: Both updates were great imo
13-02-02 14:10
mirus: And also the change made to the marketplace gets a big 'thumbs down' in my opinion.
13-02-02 00:11
mirus: I think it's wrong to make the same changes to server 1 that are made on server 2.. I don't even think that it's even fair to give 10% experience after the first 100 kills on server 2! Server 2 is already hard-as it should be, so that doesn't make any sense to me. And to make that change to server 1 is ridiculous.
13-02-02 00:10
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