kakhuiis: Hey people post ur ideas here 2 make the game suit u better and make it easier for you that's ofcause all our players want a game that's easy and suit us the way we want it . Don't be afraid help us 2 help you !
13-02-13 01:45
kakhuiis: like exzample this : Ghost dragon Congratulations! You killed the enemy! Got item! Ring of endurance (III) (destroy item ?) (confirm)(sell) note: this cant be undone! Gold: +1722 Experience: +71548 Stamina: +3» Map
13-02-13 01:45
zub-zero: Great idea kakhuiis //// a rename system like in the lv60 towns you can un-gem items why not make where you can rename items cos now if you want to rename a item you must take out the gems and add new ones just to be able to rename it.
13-02-13 05:11
g0ogle: yeah i like the idea very much

it will make us faster
13-02-13 15:10
kakhuis u said something intresting after all
13-02-18 12:24
justex10: Kakhuiis, your idea is great but it would make as slower too, becouse we must to chose what to do with droped item before we can attack again
13-02-18 18:51
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