Ideas » ideas on pet
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keverful: And i want have 5 pets but maxim is 3 pets,i want adopt 5 pets,make maxim 5 pets plz;)
13-03-03 12:26
keverful: New ideea? i have:) You can make new pets ex: vampire,spider,snake,horse,yeti,vamplord,cyclop etc.
13-03-01 22:22
andr3y: a dragon whit 10 heads damage 100-500 dexterity 70 requirements lv 50 clasa:necromancer
13-03-01 17:33
gaw: Can you please put an alert for when your pet levels up because I keep missing upgrades...
13-02-27 08:41
kingjonah: Oops! Got confused! :D :| :)
13-02-22 14:09
kingjonah: Use credits to get Lv0 Pet when we can use a small Amount of gold to restore HP?

13-02-22 14:08
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