Ideas » ideas on pet
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quaker: it will help more if we have pet rebirth that can go back to lvl0 but the stats will remain so that we cam make the pets more stronger to fight . But it has lvl required to Rebirth our pet maybe lvl80 pet can rebirth and for the mystic and dragon lord it must have higher requirement because they can lvlup fast than the usual pet . To rebirth the pet it costs credit ' hehe
13-02-17 14:43
kingjonah: Use credits to get Lv0 Pet when we can use a small Amount of gold to restore HP?

13-02-22 14:08
kingjonah: Oops! Got confused! :D :| :)
13-02-22 14:09
gaw: Can you please put an alert for when your pet levels up because I keep missing upgrades...
13-02-27 08:41
andr3y: a dragon whit 10 heads damage 100-500 dexterity 70 requirements lv 50 clasa:necromancer
13-03-01 17:33
keverful: New ideea? i have:) You can make new pets ex: vampire,spider,snake,horse,yeti,vamplord,cyclop etc.
13-03-01 22:22
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