General » hardcore pvp at s1
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13deathnote13: theres already a castle arena in s1 for with hardcore pvp
13-03-10 04:10
kmart: pvp your face warsalot weakling! XD
13-03-10 00:35
w_a_r_z_3_l_o_t: If u want pvp go to s2 -rofl-
13-03-08 03:29
keipotz: agree ..but without the gear loss xD
13-02-19 21:48
justex10: Are u crazy bro? there is s2 for pvp and having fun. i dont want to lose my gears here even if they arent very good.
13-02-18 09:32
se3ker03: If dreamer change the pvp in s1 and it will be the same at s2 it will
13-02-18 07:34
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