Ideas » New lands on maps
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swtdrmz: -read-
13-02-22 07:10
cyclop: hope Dreamer would approved. i think its a good idea :)
13-02-22 07:13
swtdrmz: For ppl past lvl 80 I can understand need but for ppl under 65lvl they still have many mobz to learn.. like slay bone drgn ghost drgn appear..
Same with red drgn to bring forth night drgn.. so much to learn no one knows all
13-02-22 07:14
ayesha: ya sis swtdreamz if its been implemented
more lvl 80+players wud play and wont quit and lvl 60player wud have a egar to lvl up to see and enter the new lands so
13-02-22 07:17
swtdrmz: If u find yourself getn bored adopt a lowlvl player teach them what u know.. so many clan leaders r newbies n don't know to teach .. like building up ring or gear. Good luck n happy huntn!
13-02-22 07:18
swtdrmz: Some playerz lvld too quickly sis n don't know all the hidden secrets here lol I'm still learning them .. black dragon is much more than just slaying mobz
13-02-22 07:20
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