Off-topic » Epic Injuries
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meshakh: i`ve broken my neck and survived without being parylized
13-08-05 07:19
opszombi9999: my knee broke in half 1 part went 3 inches up
13-08-04 06:19
nicenicholas123: Dad flipped go-kart on himself and broke his arm in 3 places
13-04-25 06:54
skatergirl13: @stanicek3 OUCH!
13-04-15 03:59
stanicek3: Dad's friend's daughter hit me in the head with a hammer.
13-04-02 06:14
xylene: once upon a time i went outside necromancer town to play and i lost the way back home, i was running here and there then suddenly a wild vampire -vampire- appeared and sucked out all my blood..i felt unconcious but didn't die coz tht was written in destiny, that i shall finish this nonsense making story -swoon-
13-03-28 15:02
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