FAQ & Information » Craft Info
illusionz: For those crafting regular rings/amulets:

3 ring of strength (I) = 1 Ring of strength (II)

3 ring of strength (II) = 1 ring of strength (III)

and so on, with all of the amulets and rings.

Other gear does not craft UP in this manner. Only the jewelry.
13-07-17 04:50
illusionz: Gems work in the same manner. 3 lvl 1's = a lvl 2, etc
13-07-17 04:56
hullafi01: 3 rune Thul = rune Hel
3* Ort = * Dol
3* Eth = * Nef
3* Ral = * Shae
3* Tal = * Sol
3* Ith = * Amn
3* El = * Eld
3* Eld = * Eth
3* Nef = * Tir
----[ STB ]----
13-12-28 19:24
boudica: Here's an idea of how you can build up the small rune El:

3x Rune El = Rune Eld
3x Rune Eld = Rune Eth
3x Rune Eth = Rune Nef
3X Rune Nef = Rune Tir

So... 81 Rune El = 1 Rune Tir...
15-02-18 07:48
nadeshot: how u make ral
15-03-15 06:54
-typhlosion-: Now we can craft titled ms, you must try it ex.
3x hydra ms = chaos hydra ms
3x basilisk ms = greater basilisk ms
15-07-28 15:14
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