Ideas » Monster lock
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strider: So im realy tired of people stealing my monster that ive been attacking for a long time and then when i have to buy a hp pot or die they come and take it so i propose a lock on the monster that you are attacking it only can lock one monster at a time so if u attack another monster or go offline it unlocks
13-04-04 02:56
-saladin-: Yeah ur right . I agree.
13-04-04 08:06
_007: -rofl-
13-04-06 17:20
fr3nzy: players will attack all monsters at the same time and keep them locked just to make others mad. For example: xet lol
13-04-07 01:16
xylene: ok bring on monster locking system!

what if some guy got bored at hydra pond got bored?

he'll jst hit eachy hydra in that area n all hydra's will be locked up, other players cant touch them!

then what will u do?

jst sit there n watch him laughing at u? -rofl-
13-04-25 18:32
xylene: plz ignore the grammar n spelling mistakes of my previous post lol
13-04-25 18:34
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