Ideas » Vote for s3 // Ideas for s3
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cherokee_rose: lordajiee: I ever heard about s3, everyone said s3 is very hard.. No credits, no trade, no market... I think thats amazing server... But, everyone stop playing s3 because its too hard... How about if dreamer make new s3 again? But, there's some different with last s3... My opinion is, like s2.. But, less exp, less gold, no credits(no buy and transfer), less drop(more harder for pieces), and of course no dragon.... Let all player that cant buy credits at their country to enjoy this game... :D
if u agreed with new s3, i need your vote guys.... And if u have ideas for s3, post here...

13-03-24 20:51 Delete

moe: i vote for server 3 oh yeah!
13-03-27 02:15 Delete

robbie: yes
13-03-28 03:59 Delete

robbie: but also i want to buy creds with gold
13-03-28 04:01 Delete

xxxx: nice idea, lets try this, coz the one who have many credits are always the stronger, this time its makes differ-good-
13-03-28 09:49 Delete

toxic666: Yes! A new server where everyone has to work hard to win, no shortcuts by using credits. No credits. Or allow a system by which credits can be bought by gold. That would bring on the competition. Otherwise its always one sided game with the credits.

I vote for new s3. ! Ave
13-03-29 16:30 Delete

knight_rider21: I vote yes it will be awesome if dreamer brings it back let see who is the real strong players in bd not becoming strong by buying skillpoints Let do It
13-03-31 11:49 Delete

bluetraveler: i doubt if this would ever happen..but yes..i vote for an s3!
13-03-31 12:58 Delete

louiewar: yes
13-03-31 13:01 Delete

veros: Oh yeah I vote for Server 3,make it non credits oorah!!
13-03-31 13:07 Delete

nevan777: Yeah that good I hope I can use necromarcer for free
13-03-31 13:09 Delete

jheck: this will be kool.. ill definitely vote for s3
13-03-31 13:09 Delete

amunam_ra: s3 is great.definitely i vote s3.
13-03-31 13:16 Delete

chikandey: would be great.. can't wait till S.3 get released
13-03-31 13:21 Delete

-umar-: an amazing s3 i want that server! Why? I like to not buy an gears in mp coz im too poor.
13-03-31 13:21 Delete

expectro: K k k k eh cada coiza q aparece :/
13-03-31 13:51 Delete

clause: s3 should be the same when bd were still starting. pvp is enabled but only gold is lost. that time gold is more important than C.
13-03-31 18:37 Delete

clause: i remember the old s1 when it's still starting. -drama- is the strongest player that time.
13-03-31 18:40 Delete

avis: S3!!! Yes!I vote yes! Idea: In s3 we can use quick sell to sell junk items instead of destroyin it.
13-04-02 06:02 Delete
13-04-06 01:22
chicken0fhaste: what? n0 dragon? rofl, it w0nt be bd if n0 dragon lol, lol
13-04-06 03:46
-saladin-: i agree. Dreamer dont like a man who just want this game easy and there was too many people but like s3 ! Proof who strong and weak .
13-04-07 12:40
avis: Ideas for s3: potions
StaMana potion: Mana+100, Stamina+20.
StaHeal potion: Health+100,
StaJuvenation potion: Health, Mana+50%, Stamina+20%
13-04-07 18:39
avis: Idea: Daily prize
User will have to choose a treasure chest, which is containing golds, items, modes(frenzy, supporter, premium, etc), or others;) .Reset after 00:00 game time. Maybe if the prize is credits, it will be transfered to your s1/s2 character?(the character must have same email address, or other?)
13-04-08 15:05
avis: Idea: Castle
Castle's units should be 50, 25, or fewer so there is no castle holder! -knight- Everyhour a castle can be taken-over! -paladin-
13-04-13 15:57
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