Ideas » Druids need help and quests are easy
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-drama-: to put it simply...
I (a paladin) can do up to 275 damage on any monster in the game.
My barbarian can do about the same
My Druid does a max of 90 damage.. that is with over 80 wisdom..
10-10-10 12:10
-drama-: the intent of a druid should to be wise if they are spell casters correct?
Yet no spell can compare to a weapon.. and if a druid is to rely on weapons (which are less damaging than any other class)
10-10-10 12:13
-drama-: them they HAVE to focus on str and dex.. completely destroying the concept of a wise spell caster
10-10-10 12:14
-drama-: I have said it time and time again.. Druids NEED a powerful attack spell no other class can get..
take a look at user ranking.. only about 10% of the top 40 are druid.
10-10-10 12:16
-drama-: also.. to be honest... for me... quest monsters have gone from challenges with reward for a great challenge... to monsters that give good exp and are easy to kill that everyone fights to get
10-10-10 12:18
-drama-: we need level 60+ quests

also I apologize if I had to break this post up into several... but my phone only allows 160 characters
10-10-10 12:20
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