inch: Yes drama know what he is talking about.its issue should look in to.
10-10-10 20:31
sojourn: I agree. I would also like to see some kind of druids robes that gives good ac but based on wisdom req.
10-10-10 16:29
redpyro: right. im finding it hard to rely on just wisdom im about to up str
10-10-10 14:40
drkjusts: i agree with that its time we get spells no one else has
10-10-10 14:27
-drama-: we need level 60+ quests
also I apologize if I had to break this post up into several... but my phone only allows 160 characters
10-10-10 12:20
-drama-: also.. to be honest... for me... quest monsters have gone from challenges with reward for a great challenge... to monsters that give good exp and are easy to kill that everyone fights to get
10-10-10 12:18