Bugs » scrolling bug
poohmagic: hey rose you didn't understand his trying to tell us. He was trying to get god's title on his legendary item the soul of the north. I
13-05-16 16:48
cherokee_rose: As for getting the Rogue title multiple times, you will not get repeated Titles in every set of 10 scrolls, but say that you have scrolled 10 items....the count then starts over again, and you may get a title that you scrolled near the end of your last set of 10.
13-05-13 22:04
-krixus-: Gods title isn't available.. You need to scroll glorius gold dragon and ask dreamer to change it to gods when you have scrolled it.. Same with ultimate on rings.. Need shiny night dragon or almighty archangel I think.. And well scroll history has done that forever.. Don't think it can be fixed 100%
13-04-18 01:09
leg0las: when scrolling amulet unable to get god's title. and when i scrolled rogue title it repeated after 3 scrolls what a bug???
13-04-14 13:22
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