Read from end
clash: no by god like i mean all u do is sit in chat warn this warn that. ur stupidity along with jechts and boudica has taken the fun from this game and its going to lose great loyal player because of it
13-04-21 11:36
-saladin-: yes trown quen of hell boudica and the brave demon jecht!! I sick from this game coz that!!! Dreamer please they like a demon . Who control a world!
13-04-21 12:09
krieg: all i see is mods doing their job, and i see a few players complaining cause they have been banned for the profanity in the chat rm...
13-04-21 15:02
project_d: Only 1 I see who abuses there mod powers is Boudica he/she does nothing but ban people for the stupidest reasons. I call the being a chat Nazi :D
13-04-21 19:09
swtdrmz: From what I've seen all 3 mods mentioned have simply been following n enforcing rules set down by dreamer..all 3 r good mods
13-04-21 19:33
clash: in these types of games to many rules restrictions and power abuseing mods ruins the fun of these games. when people dont have fun at games they quit
13-04-21 23:55
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