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krieg: NEWS FLASH....ovthat er half these players are kids and they dont need to hear all the garbage that comes out from time to time... think about it...ITS DREAMERS GAME AND RULES OF THE GAME. Where real life is concerned what job can you have and talk like that all the time?????? last time i checked employers fire people for that as well....guess people below me in their complaints must be alot of unemployed people and personally to talk like that whenever it suits you should is trashy...sorry but it is. Personally im glad im not a mod in here to deal with that and from some that are adults that even children behave better than. Its in the GAME RULES SET BY DREAMER AND YOU AGREED TO THEM WHEN YOU STARTED YOUR CHR IN GAME
13-04-23 00:48
-krixus-: Oh an drama is a shit excuse for anything.. Drama is so varied an mods make tthere own for what is and isn't.. Just write proper rules as all sites.. Posted by admin so no one can complain
13-04-23 00:43
-krixus-: I agree with f3ar seriously how many kids pay good money to play here? Warcraft is £10 a month an let's face it most kids will be there not here.. Even then the odd one that slips through, the odd piece of bad language that gets said is not dreamers concern its the kids parents that allows them to play here.. The terms and agrement gives dreamer no worries and as for cursing that's not aimed at players to directly upset I have no problem with it at all.. Yes abuse towards players has no place in any game but let's all be adult about this as again let's face it the game is for everyone.. Let's not try and make it a game 'kids play too' when its not our fault if they get involved in a bit of adult fun when they're a little young.. Not the games fault at all
13-04-23 00:40
cloudz_strife: Kick boudica he not good mod.
13-04-22 15:43
f3ar: Plus now the newest 1. Telling us 'where' to post 'what' in forums? And locking players out of the subject? Might that be a little 'overcontrolling?' There is a problem with that 1. Should we avoid forums also? Just pay our money and shut up?
13-04-22 15:41
f3ar: Face it. Chat sucks! Unfortunatly BD is not bound by americas 1st ammendment. I try to avoid chat in this game most of the time. And its because of overbearing moderators. I do agree that 'abusive' language, or 'racial' type hate, and stuff like overtly sexual commentary should not be allowed. And its a nice feature in this game to have volunteers to watch over excessive situations and stop them from happening. But certain mods are over controlling the chat in this game. When they dont like a subject, or disagree with it, it then becomes. . . Drama! In the chat rooms im used 2 drama and light cursing is normal. Children hear it everyday everywhere in the world. Like it or not, its a part of life. There are alot of things the moderators could let 'slide' but they use open chat to start their own drama which starts new arguments and prolongs the drama. Mods should only be allowed to enforce temporary bans that would last only as long as it would take for Admin 2 review the situation and make a final decision. And most 'warnings' should be done in pm's, not open chat. Its Admins job 2 oversee this game. Useing all caps in chat? abreveated cursewords? Drama? Posting a short normal trade. Thats overdoing it.
13-04-22 15:34
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