clash: dreamer the way castles are as of now is not working. castles give great reward and should have great risk. you made them hardcore but that just made castle owners use small naked chrs to defend and after 10 hits a day u just gotta stand and watch them refill. i suggest loss of exp say 5 percent of that lvl exp everytime u die in castle and/or if u die in castle 10 times u cant enter that castle for 24 hours to refill. its cowardly how warlords are holding on to the castles and it needs updated to make the risk equal the rewards
13-04-22 01:06
blueray: ur whole idea is insane and makes no type of sense
13-04-22 01:14
clash: then just 10 hits a day makes no sence in castles u want all the rewards but suffer no risk.
13-04-22 01:18
clash: reppa2
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13-04-22 01:27
clash: this makes since a lvl 80+ defending castle naked where is the risk for the reward. if going to allow that then should be if u die 10 times in castle u should not be allowed to enter castle for 24 hours lol. we cant hit u more than 10 times a day and ur risking nothing naked so yes ther should be some exp loss or something
13-04-22 01:29
blueray: u are the 1 who made dreamer make these changes
13-04-22 01:32