boudica: I'm closing this thread. It does not belong in this forum, it belongs in the Ideas forum.
13-04-22 10:11
clash: its a easy solution guys. make it where if u die 10x in a day in castles u should not be able to enter castle for 24 hours. that will make the bigger players in clan defend also and will stop the lvl 80+ cowards from defending naked. they want everything gave to them on a silver platter with absolutely no risk

13-04-22 04:46
f3ar: Ashe is totally right dreamer. When 9 players in our league of play cant storm a castle in over 2 hours! Something is very wrong. At least remove the 10 battle limit and figure out a way 2 make it take longer 2 refill the castle.
13-04-22 04:37
captainaizen: err.. i mean hells bells
13-04-22 03:47
captainaizen: clash A.K.A hellsballs just wants everything the to be to loc's advantage she likes to control stuff thats why she is always blackmailing dreamer to do what she wants and he does it because she a a big credit buyer
13-04-22 03:47
captainaizen: all ya need to hop off of loc's behind
13-04-22 03:45
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