1) When you have more than 700 wisdom, even if your opponent has over 900 wisdom.
Both of you will caste 50%, 25% and 19% vigor. This is not fair.
2) You have 500 dexterity and 700 wisdom, your opponent has 800 dexterity and 700 wisdom, when both of you will pvp and use vigor. There will be no difference, you have only 500 dexterity you should miss him but it will not happen.
So i guess this spell is not working properly.
13-04-22 03:49

Yes it is glitched. I tested with thriller many battles and vigor always does maximum effect.
I also tried dispel against him and each cast his damage grew. The dispel would allow him to cast 3x @ 50% and keep the boost as if I never used the spell. Dispel helped him instead of hurt him.
13-04-22 03:56

13-04-22 05:44
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