Off-topic » Mad at a user? Post your angry,(not graphic or bad language plz) opinions here, or angry commets.
xylene: Im mad at everybody so
TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR I wanna hit you with a garbage truck! throw you off a tree so high hope you break your neck and die
13-08-03 12:35
meshakh: captainaizen he makes noobs witth a lot of gold then kicks them
13-08-03 02:01
xxemoxx: Amnimouse:I really hate how hard it is to level. Dreamer doesn't look at these things so you guys are waisting away your time talking here...
13-08-01 23:48
jry16: you aren't
13-07-25 05:01
mr-t: muhahahaha
13-07-22 05:04
cope4tanner: i am the worst and jry16 how do u know im not in your clan right now with 1 of my aalts, i am a liar and a back sttabber, talk to me at your own risk, youll prob get duped!
13-07-21 17:04