k3nr0n: i bet if all worked together as one team, filipinos will be just as strong as others.
13-04-28 20:40
m3w: i bet 0n k3nr0n he kn0ws m0re in this game, just pm me k3n i do all my best to help u do it, i h0pe br0nt0c play he have a chance to0 if we help each other like a team 1 of us may get the chance to killed bd
13-04-28 22:11
k3n: my bet is on m3w or br0nt0c. these guys are way better players and far more dedicated in this game. if credits would be a little cheaper, these guys would've owned the BD.
13-04-29 01:12
ryuky00: Albu is suspended here in s1.but im sure he g0nna j0in at s2. m3w have a chance t0o.
13-04-29 07:53