Off-topic » Lost memories -∞Chapter 2∞-
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lancecocuski1: Jason is in the middle, he's not popular or nerdy, he never gets noticed, He see's a kid getting beat up next to his locker. SLAM! BASH! SLAM! Just give it! Your money belongs to me buddy! You owe me for the beatings yester day. Said the bully. Please stop! I did'nt do anything! Please! The vitims face flooding with tears. Give me the money and i'll stop! said tje bully. Jason got mad. He tapped the bully shoulder. The bully stoped, turned, and said "What do you want!? Wimp! Get out o- OW!? Before The bully finished his sentance, Jason Slammed him full force in the nose. You need to learn some manners! Jason said. The bully sitting on the ground bleeding out his nose. Jason kicked him in the stomach. Now get out of my way! Your blocking my locker! Jason demanded. The bully ran away crying like a baby. Hmph! What a wimp. Jason spoke.
13-04-30 01:21
lancecocuski1: Jason paused....What...just happened? Did...i just do that? But...that was so violent!? Im never like that! Jason thought. People stared, and watched. The victim paused. T-thank you f-for helping me. he said. No...Dont thank me...i dont derserve it, i hurt him really bad. Jason responded. Ok... The boy walked to the nurses office. Jason looked at his hands...There covered in blood. Am i.....the one that did this? I can't be, im not this i? Jason said to himself.
13-04-30 04:25
lancecocuski1: Jason ran to the bathroom, and started washing his hands. He looked up. He saw a refection in the mirror, but it wasant Jason....It was Lance. Gah!? Jason jumped. What the hell was that!? He looked in the mirror again. The image just showed one else. I must be crazy, thats not real, i know it! Jason told him self.
13-04-30 04:29
lancecocuski1: He continued washing his hands...And cleaned them. Then he walked out into the hallways. empty...Oh man! Im late for class! But...the bell didnt ring! He ran into the classroom than to his desk. Its empty here too... Whats going on? Jason! He-looooo! Huh! That sounds like ilana! He ran out into the hallways. they where twisted, he ilana walking away from him. iLana! He ran twords here, but he was'nt moveing, he tryed harder, but he was'nt moving, he was just running in place. Then he heard ilana scream. ilana! Jason yelled. Then everything turned black, Wh-whats going on!? He saw ilana...on the ground...dead. A pool of blood surounded her. il-ilana!? Oh my god! Please no! Jason ran twords her, landed on his nees and lifted her, ilana! ilana! he yelled. Jason....why did'nt you help me? ilana's face lifted. I tried....sniff...but...i could'nt get to you. Jasons face Swarming with tears. ilana's head fell, she was gone. No! ilana! No! ilaaaannaaaaa! Everything fashed, then he was standing infront of a sink, hands bloody, staring at the mirror....W-what!? Just happened!? Jason asked himself.
13-04-30 05:31
lancecocuski1: Was....was that a dream? But...that felt so real....i must have blacked out.....Jason said to himself. He washed his hands. Jason walked out of the bathroom, and walked to class. He could hear kids talking about the fight, or massicour. Kids stared, some trembled, everyone avoidedJasons path. Did you see all the blood on his hands!? One student said. The speakers rang, JASON BECKERS, REPORT TO THE PRICIBLES OFFICE IMEDIATELY. Oh, great im in trouble now. he walked to the pricibles office. The princible invited him in, and of course, suspended him.
13-04-30 18:33
lancecocuski1: Jason left school. ....I guess ill just hang out at the columbia brige....And wait for Emma...Wait i mean ilana!
13-04-30 19:07
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