Off-topic » Lost memories -∞Chapter 2∞-
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lancecocuski1: Jason, sat and waited....The day passed by, cars driving above him, rumbleing the brige wind blowing.....That dream...What if thats was real...i could'nt bear the thought, of her dieing...I'd give my own life before seeing her die......i sware it! Jason told him self. The sun slowly moved across the sky, light slowly diming. Its almost 6:00... Jason! Good your here! ilana spoke walking down to Jason. *giggles* I knew you'd make it... ilana spoke. I heard about what happend this morning...That was nice of you. ilana said. Jasons eyes widend. What!? That was'nt nice at all!? My hands where drenched with blood!? Jason said. Well if it were'nt for you, the bullys hands would have been bloody... ilana. The sun started setting, the sky turn redish pink. The pair stared in amazement. romantic....ilana commented. ....Romantic?.....Yeah...But...thats not the thing thats beautiful here.... Jason responded. Hmm? Well there's nothing else here but dirt and rubble, what could you be talking ilana asked. ilana...after the fight, i had a dream...i blacked out....You were in trouble, and...there was nothing i could do....and you died.........and i will never let that happen! Your the thing thats most important to me! I-Love-you! Jason said, then he paused in embarassment. Oh...Jason, your so sweet... ilana then kissed Jason. Jason's eyes widened in surprise. Then a whole flurry of voices swarmed there mind. Memories of eachothers past lives where back and shared.
13-04-30 20:47
lancecocuski1: ilana's eyes widened. I.....I remember.......everything..... ilana spoke. I do to.....Emma? are we.... Jason spoke. Wait...Jason....This is weird, i feel like im changeing.....ilana pointed out. Yeah, me too....i feel stronger... Jason said. Good, you'll need that strenth! Said a voice. Huh!? Jason spoke, he turned his head, he saw...the bully he punched, with people standing beside him. Im gonna make you pay for what you did to me today!? The bully drawed a gun. Without warning the bully shot the gun, shooting Jason.....through the heart. Jason!? ilana yelled. Jason fell to the ground. Guh....ah...No.....i can't die.......E-mma Everything blacked...... Then he heard a voice. Hmm heh... Oh my....your quite the fighter.... Who are you!? Jason responded. Hmm heh, call me Rage, and you are? Hello Rage....Its Jason... Ahem...Your REAL name. Rage responded. Jason paused......Lance? he said. Ah! There we go! Nice to meet you Lance! Boy do i have a deal for you! Rage got cut off by Lance. Ok, hold on, i see whats comeing, your the devil, we make a deal for your soul blah blah blah, yean no. Ahem, as i was saying, trust me im not the devil, i dont want your soul, i will just bring it back, you can live another day, blah blah blah, under ONE condition! You let me help you by staying in your body!
13-04-30 23:41
lancecocuski1: Deal, deal! just get me back there before they hurt ilana! Lance demanded. Heheh, good choice, the rage then entered Lances soul, it burned like fire. and all the black was gone. Jason's eyes opened, his chest untouched, blood drenching his shirt, no bullet wound, but a bullet hole in the shirt. Hey!? He's still alive!? the bully yelled. As long as im with you, you can die, or be afraid. I'll help you kill the people in your path. heheheh. Here, this is yours. Quickly, light flashed around Jasons right hand, When the light was gone....Jeroke's yamato was in his hand. you can summon this anytime you wish. hehehe.
13-04-30 23:48
lancecocuski1: fathers sword, h-how did you get this!? Lance asked. Hmm, lets just say i know him. hehehe. Now killem! Ripem to shreds! Rage responded. Lance paused, No, i can't....kill them, but im gonna teach them a lesson. Lance responded. Aww, where's the fun in that!? Rage responded. Heh, i did'nt say we could'nt make a mess. Lance snikered. Quickly lance drawed his sword into its case. we will beat them up, without cutting them. Quick! kill him! he's armed! Said the bully.
13-05-03 05:47
lancecocuski1: The bullys then shoot there guns at lance. Lance perfectly doges them. Heh....your gonna have to do better than that. Lance snikered. One bully quickly ran up to lance and threw a punch. Lance grabbed his fist, then smiled. tsk tsk, you will never win by being a moron. Lance then punched the bully.
13-05-03 05:58
lancecocuski1: All the bullys surrounded him, were gonna kill you! said the bullys. Lance, cringed his knuckles. Hmph! Your gonna kill me?! You've failed once! Im not gonna lose to wimps like you! Lance responded. The bullys voices deepened. UNDER THAT COMMAND OF CRONIGHT, YOU MUST BE KILLED. Said the bullys, they than, turned into....shadows...plain black shadows. Cronight!? Your his'....servants!? not so reluctant about killing you... Lance snikered. YES! Finally, we draw some blood! Paint the walls red! Kill them! Ha ha ha! Rage yelled. Lance, drawed his sword. This is fun! My...sword, it crys for blood! Lance yelled!
13-05-03 06:47
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