Off-topic » Lost memories -∞Chapter 2∞-
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lancecocuski1: The shadows slowly walked closer to Lance, Lance keped his guard up....waiting for a attack....focusing.... A shadow attacked, Than Lance reacted, Slashing the half. Blood splattering in his face. pfft, yuck. Lance spoke. KILL HIM! One shadow spoke, quickly, all the shadows stabbed him at one.! Lance spoke. Quickly, Lance heard a gun shot, one shadow shot...straight though the head. HEY BRO! You seriously thought i was gonna let u steal all the action! A boy wearing blue jeans and a yellow shirt was standing with a PSS handgun. The shadows released Lance, than persued the boy. Oh crap, i got haters! Shoot em! Shoot em all! said the boy. The boy quickly shot his gun...without aiming, killing every shadow with a perfect head shot.
13-05-04 05:07
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