Ideas » Lance's ideas
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lancecocuski1: Magic defense, or M.armor, Im pretty sure wisdom is marks this, im not sure. If enemys or players use spells to attack, this would be the protection against it. Its like armor but for magic attacks, not physical.
13-04-29 22:03
lancecocuski1: Topic 3! Status ailments.
13-04-29 22:04
lancecocuski1: I was thinking...Would'nt it be funner if players were dealing with poison which slowly drains there health or Being frozen in solid ice which prevents tham from acting while they battle? Thats why i thought up status ailments. There used in many RPG's on my 3ds and dsiXL games, and its a challenge with those on there.
13-04-29 22:07
lancecocuski1: Poison, Venom, or Severe poisoning. Poison would drain your health every 60 seconds, this would replace regenerating. Venom, this ailment would cut your max health in half. Severe poisoning is like poisin, exept instead of losing heath every 60 sec, its 30 sec.
13-04-29 22:11
lancecocuski1: Of course, these status ailments wear of after a awile.
13-04-29 22:12
lancecocuski1: Curse, doom, and confused. Curse, is a weakening spell that cuts all your stats in half, being a very effecting ailmenr it has a low chance of occuring. Doom Is a spell that kills you when a count down is over. This is a very unfair spell so it would have a very very very low chance of occuring. Confusion, this ailment renders the player dilusioned, unable ro act some time, this cuts the chance of sucsessfully completing an action in half.
13-04-29 22:18
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