Ideas » Lance's ideas
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lancecocuski1: Topic 5! Item ideas.
13-04-29 23:00
lancecocuski1: Know you could buy food, or scavage it, or get it from another player. There would be animals to hunt, or berries to pick, or fish to fish. It would be fun to have more action to do and more skills to learn.
13-04-29 22:36
lancecocuski1: Natually, our players will be traveling thoughout the world. But it would be a bit tougher to travel if your hungry? Yes in my opinion it would, thats why i fought up the food (or hunger) gauge. The only effect of this gauge is that you consum more stamina than usual when the gauge is empty. it starts at 100, and go's down by 1 every min. The gauge also needs to be more than 0, or you wont be able to reganerate stamina, this bar does not go down while your logged off though.
13-04-29 22:33
lancecocuski1: Topic 4! Food
13-04-29 22:28
lancecocuski1: Frozen, sick, haunted, and blessed. Frozen is a ailment were the player is frozen solid in ice, and take a small amount of damage each turn. Sick is an ailment that randomly reduces one atribute by 30%. Haunted is a ailment, is hence the name, being haunted by a evil sprit. This evil sprit prevents your from removing gear, using items, useing spells. Blessed, is good or bad ailment, that drains a ramdom atribute, and boosts another.
13-04-29 22:27
lancecocuski1: Curse, doom, and confused. Curse, is a weakening spell that cuts all your stats in half, being a very effecting ailmenr it has a low chance of occuring. Doom Is a spell that kills you when a count down is over. This is a very unfair spell so it would have a very very very low chance of occuring. Confusion, this ailment renders the player dilusioned, unable ro act some time, this cuts the chance of sucsessfully completing an action in half.
13-04-29 22:18
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