Ideas » New items-braclets/earrings/belts/capes/gloves
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vip123: Gloves:can give stats like other items like armor,dex,str,wis example gloves of wisdom(I) armor 10 wisdom 2 and depends on monster titles stats will go up
13-04-30 01:15
vip123: Capes:can give bouns player/pet experience in amount of 5%+ ,armor,flee rate(++mobs miss hero chance)
13-04-30 01:18
vip123: Belt:all skills resist 1-5%,resist critical rate or resist critical damage
13-04-30 01:19
vip123: Bracelet of guard adding armor and defence rate/flee rate.
Vampire bracelet give life leach 1-5% or max hp per hit 5-10 or 1% (gives back hp per hit or total damage per hit)
Braclet of amplifier gives all skills up for 1-3%
13-04-30 01:24
vip123: Earring of critical rate boost up critical rate 5-15%
Earring of critical damage boost critical damage for 5-15%
Earring of luck item drop chance up 5-15
13-04-30 01:27
vip123: Pet:when pet lvl up every 10lvl's one slot open for gem/rune
13-04-30 01:28
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