General » Spells ideas!
pakelika: Th0se r gd ideas xil but they s0und m0re like skills rather than spells
10-05-07 03:30
kestrel: Spells should be the equal of weapons mayeb stronger because druids are limited by the amount of mana they have .
10-05-05 17:08
xilver: Back stab - a 50% chance of driving the target to half life in just one hit. Levitation- adds accuracy and dodge rate so as giving additional damage bonus. Thieving - adds 25% or more of the total spoils. Ghost form- an out of battle spells that allow passing through walls or proceeding to an area without stoping on the gates/doors to click the next desired are to visit. It can also add dodge rate during battles. Soul steal- sucks a certain percent of the hp and mp of the target, cause mana draing making the target unable to use spell during the battle. I suggest spell evolutions like fire arrow to fire spear to fire sword to dragon's breath. Upgrading spells is fun! Excited to know what will be it's next form.
10-05-04 07:31
tigerldy: Ok
10-05-04 06:59
kestrel: Thats what mana pots are for
10-05-01 17:31
tigerldy: A mana boost
10-05-01 07:55
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