kestrel: Druid only . Uses half total mana and stamina . Heals all players in area 3 hp per level of wisdom . Exp equal amount of healing done
10-04-27 19:25
kestrel: Paladin and druid only . Heal - heals target player in your area x hp . X equal to your level. Greater heal . Same as heal but x is 2 times your level
10-04-27 19:31
smot: Hey guys ev1 gets the point NE ELEMENTAL SPELL is both great and OBVIOUS we keep repeatin ourselves here
10-04-27 20:22
smot: I like that blind rage thing kest
10-04-27 20:23
kestrel: Barbarin only . Bull rush - uses ten mana one stamina . Adds damage equal to your strength to first attack
10-04-27 22:25
kestrel: Druid only . Create health and mana potions . both small and large .
10-04-27 22:28