axis23: how about a spell that drains 50% of ur max mana but it drains 50% of enemies max health, how about that?
11-01-15 04:21
swtdrmz: lol meant to say for druids lvl 45 n up
11-01-08 03:32
swtdrmz: for lvl 45 n up how about a golden heal spell that takes 50 stamina.. when u use it you r heal' 5o% of your total health
11-01-08 03:32
tikihuge: I like a party group help each other to kill the monster and share exp to give healing,buffs(increasing damage),speed,mana shield the party hehe
10-12-11 04:58
shdwmstr: kinda like on diablo 2 lol
10-11-06 10:52
sneakn: those are good but what about next stage of mana and health pots? 60 points restored it costs you 100 mana to cast to make one and also costs 3 or so stamina
10-09-21 12:08