Ideas » dreamer?
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-rofl-: create a clan that can be inherited..
13-05-03 09:03
xylene: yaa, make 4 clans lol
wen u create ur char ur born belonging to a clan, like barbs chars belong to "mountains bandit clan clan", druids belong to "whatever clan name" lol,

that way there'll be 4 clans in game, n there are 6 castles, and 4 clans will compete to capture the castles tht will make thrill, but i dont think there will be any thrill with the damned prices of castle guards for now -rofl-
13-05-03 11:53
-rofl-: Call my name? :)
I mean, inherited .. transferable .. Among the clan leader of the member..
13-05-03 13:44
xylene: haha i get it lol.

my idea is also cool huh?
13-05-05 16:15
-rofl-: up -_-

I see you hate me :(
13-05-06 08:42
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