hardmind: yeah, I don't know if you all see this but dreamer has been giving out technical updates of limit/ unlimit - on /off -enable/disable type of updates. No, creative updates like new lands or monsters. So what is he really doing? Playing other games than focusing on his own product? Well, dreamer needs to prove to us he still has interest in this game, and not talking to us is not helping either.
13-05-13 06:59
melkor: all he does is come online once in a blue moon and make random updates.
13-05-12 18:01
xylene: he can come online and talk in general chat maybe? lol
13-05-11 18:54
angelofsin: What difference does it make he is on more or not? This is why he aquires mods to ensure the smooth running of the game while he is.. As you said busy. Dreamer does more for the game than you realise even tho he isn't online doesn't mean he isn't working on update ect?
13-05-11 12:29
swtdrmzz: Dreamer I think u r doing great ..
13-05-10 03:19