FAQ & Information » Legendary Gear: Ingredients
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ruman: .

Thank you snuck.

snuck: :)
Made on 19.07.2015 by recipes found at library. If one or more ingredients repeat it means that they can be used for more than one recipe.

Ancient behemoth's assassin's kiss
Ancient behemoth's ceremonial bow
Ancient behemoth's grim wand
Ancient behemoth's katar
Ancient behemoth's soldier's justice
Archangel's ring
Archi magi's magic amulet
Archi magi's recovery ring
Archi magi's spellbinder
Assassin's blade (V)
Assassin's blades (V)
Assassin's dirk (V)
Assassin's talons (V)
Avenger guard of damage (V)
Balanced axe of mana (V)
Barbarian's broad axe (V)
Barbarian's great axe (V)
Barbarian's great axe (V)
Barbarian's large axe (V)
Basilisk's chain boots
Basilisk's full helm
Basilisk's hard leather armor
Basilisk's studded leather
Bastard sword of damage (V)
Black knight's maul
Bowman's antlers
Bowman's falcon mask
Bowman's hawk helm
Bowman's the centurion
Cavalier's tower shield
Centaur captain's bear claws
Centaur captain's frenzy
Centaur captain's the salamander
Champion's crown shield
Champion's crown shield
Champion's gothic shield
Champion's guardian shield
Champion's meteoric shield
Champion's platinum shield
Champion's the protecter
Champion's the protecter
Champion's the protecter
Champion's tower shield
Champion's wonder shield
Chaos hydra's full plate mail
Chaos hydra's gothic mail
Claws of strength (V)
Crown of damage (V)
Crusader's bone wand
Crusader's cliffkiller
Crusader's crossbow
Crusader's endkindled cleaver
Crusader's endkindled cleaver
Crusader's frenzy
Crusader's glorious sword
Crusader's glorious sword
Crusader's isterus wisdom
Crusader's lazarus spire
Crusader's mace
Crusader's manastorm spire
Crusader's morning star
Crusader's soldier's justice
Crusader's spiked club
Crusader's suwayyah
Crusader's the curving stream
Crusader's the patriarch
Crusader's war axe
Cyclop's angelic axe
Cyclop king's assassin's kiss
Cyclop king's balance
Cyclop king's flamberge
Cyclop king's giant axe
Cyclop king's xeria's fury
Demon's amulet
Demon's bloodsoaked ring
Demon's hunter's mark
Demon's the lich's heart
Demons baron's amulet
Demons baron's amulet
Demons baron's amulet
Demons baron's amulet
Demons baron's keh's rulership
Demons baron's ring
Demons baron's ring
Dendroid's great helm
Dendroid's hawk helm
Dendroid's hawk helm
Dendroid's helm of glory
Dendroid's kite shield
Dendroid's lightning shroud
Dendroid's splint mail
Dendroid's splint mail
Dread knight's undead wrath
Druid's battle staff (V)
Druid's war staff (V)
Dwarf's amulet
Dwarf's amulet
Dwarf's amulet
Dwarf's hawk helm
Dwarf's lance guard
Dwarf's rondache
Efreet's avenger guard
Efreet's avenger guard
Elf's antlers
Elf's antlers
Elf's gnarled staff
Elf's gold skin
Elf's hard leather armor
Elf's heavy boots
Elf's mancatcher
Elf's mask
Elf's shaman's staff
Gargoyle's antlers
Genies ruler's amulet
Genies ruler's amulet
Ghost behemoth's matriarchal bow
Ghost behemoth's talons
Ghost behemoth's yew wand
Giant axe of strength (V)
Glorious gold dragon's amulet
Gnoll's long battle bow
Gnoll's spiked club
Goblin's the minotaur
Golem's bone flesh
Golem's steel clash
Gorgon's ring
Greater basilisk's forest dancers
Greater basilisk's heavy boots
Greater basilisk's lifewalk
Greater basilisk's nightwolf crest
Greater basilisk's oakcase
Greater basilisk's volcano boots
Greater basilisk's woodland finery
Great maul of dexterity (V)
Gremlin's dagger
Gremlin's long bow
Griffin's battle boots
Griffin's heraldic shield
Halberdier's ring
Harpy's balanced axe
Harpy's frenzy
Harpy's wolf head
Harpy hag's ring
Harpy hag's spellbinder
Hydra's full plate mail
Hydra's gothic mail
Hydra's gothic mail
Imp's blood leather armor
Imp's cap
Imp's fanged helm
Imp's glacial crown
Imp's ravager armor
Imp's ravager helm
Imp's skull cap
Imp's wolf head
Infernal troglodyte's amulet
Infernal troglodyte's amulet
Infernal troglodyte's gleamstone
Infernal troglodyte's ring
Infernal troglodyte's spellbinder
Jewel of armor (V)
Jewel of damage (V)
Jewel of dexterity (V)
Jewel of strength (V)
Jewel of wisdom (V)
Lich's dragon's eye
Lich's eye of the tempest
Lich's the lich's heart
Lich's the lich's tooth
Lichs mogul's amulet
Lichs mogul's amulet
Lichs mogul's amulet
Lichs mogul's amulet
Lichs mogul's ring
Lichs mogul's ring
Light plate of endurance (V)
Lizard's beastmaster garb
Lizard's elven battlemage boots
Lizard's forest dancers
Lizard's heavy boots
Lizard's helm of glory
Lizard's hunter's mark
Lizard's jawbone cap
Lizard's master's charm
Lizard's quiver
Lizard's targe
Long staff of health (V)
Magi's chain boots
Magi's full helm
Magi's matriarchal pike
Magi's undead crown
Marksman's amulet
Master genie's diamond amulet
Master genie's eye of the tempest
Master genie's mysterious token
Medusa's aerin shield
Medusa's assault helm
Medusa's assault helm
Medusa's ceremonial bow
Medusa's wizendraw
Medusa emperor's amulet
Medusa emperor's amulet
Mighty gorgon's fire king's will
Mighty gorgon's ring
Mighty gorgon's ring
Mighty gorgons king's dragon's eye
Mighty gorgons king's keh's might
Mighty gorgons king's plainswalker's relic
Mighty gorgons king's spellbinder
Minotaur's battle staff
Minotaur's great sword
Minotaur king's endkindled cleaver
Minotaur king's frenzy
Minotaur king's great axe
Minotaur king's great sword
Minotaur king's isterus wisdom
Minotaur king's mourneblade
Minotaur king's spirit of bolivar
Minotaur king's suwayyah
Minotaur king's yew wand
Monk's chu-ko-nu
Monk's dragon crest
Monk's full helm
Monk's gold ring
Monk's gold skin
Monk's hard leather armor
Monk's heirloom sword
Monk's helm of glory
Monk's holy sword
Monk's master's charm
Monk's morning star
Monk's ring mail
Naga's scale mail
Naga's studded leather
Naga queen's etched spirit
Naga queen's hard leather armor
Naga queen's light plate
Naga queen's studded leather
Naga queen's vigilant hauberk
Naga queen's woodland finery
Naga queen's woodland finery
Necromancer's dagger (V)
Necromancer's double axe (V)
Ogre's balanced axe
Ogre's bone shield
Ogre's demon head
Ogre's lava boots
Ogre's short war bow
Ogre's the chieftain
Ogre mage's amulet
Ogre mage's eye of the tempest
Ogre mage's nexus prism
Ogre mage's ring
Orc chieftan's dragon crest
Orc chieftan's tyrant's horns
Paladin's bastard sword (V)
Paladin's scimitar (V)
Pegasus' chain boots
Pegasus' lazarus spire
Pegasus' the centurion
Pegasus' war sword
Pikeman's frenzy
Pikeman's leather armor
Pit fiend's blood leather armor
Pit fiend's dragon plate
Pit fiend's hard leather armor
Pit lord's chain mail
Pit lord's dragon plate
Pit lord's light plate
Pit lord's ring mail
Pit lord's woodland finery
Pixie's forest boots
Pixie's hunter's bow
Quilted armor of endurance (V)
Ring of mana (V)
Rogues chief's ring
Rogues chief's ring
Rondache of wisdom (V)
Shiny night dragon's dragon's eye
Silver pegasus' dragon's eye
Silver pegasus' eye of the tempest
Silver pegasus' kreya's pendant
Skeleton's angelic axe
Skeleton's endkindled cleaver
Skeleton's lazarus spire
Skeleton's lazarus spire
Skeleton's soul harvest
Skeleton's the curving stream
Splint mail of health (V)
Sprite's ring
Sprite's ring
Troglodyte's frenzy
Undead crown of damage (V)
Unicorn's full helm
Unicorn's great helm
Vampire's arctic boots
Vampire's beastmaster boots
Vampire's demon head
Vampire's demon head
Vampire's lifewalk
Vampire's soulchannel
Vampire's undead crown
Vampire's undead crown
Vampire lord's assault helm
Vampire lord's leather armor
Vampire lord's spirit mask
Vampire lord's undead crown
Vampire lord's venoms ward
War axe of health (V)
Weak great maul
Weak maul
Wolf's mancatcher
Wolf's war hammer
Wyvern monarch's forest dancers
Wyvern monarch's forest dancers
Wyvern monarch's growth of ages
Zealot's amulet
Zombie's ring

15-07-22 20:41
cherokee_rose: .


Ancient behemoth's ceremonial bow - Recipe of Soldier's justice (#s2)
Ancient behemoth's grim wand - Recipe of The curving stream (#s2)
Ancient behemoth's katar - Recipe of Suwayyah (#s2)
Archangel's ring – Recipe of Champion’s edge
Archi magi's Magic amulet - Recipe of Relentless amulet
Archi magi's Recovery ring - Recipe of Queen’s husk
Archi magi's Spellbinder - Recipe of Plainswalker's relic (s#2)
Assassin’s blade (V) – Recipe of Assassin’s kiss (#s2)
Assassin’s dirk (V) – Recipe of Assassin’s kiss (#s2)
Avenger guard of damage (V) – Recipe of Death helm
Balanced axe of Mana (V) – Recipe of Desert Fire
Barbarian's great axe (V) - Recipe of Ravager axe
Barbarian's great axe (V) – Recipe of Blackened tooth of Karsha
Barbarian's large axe (V) - Recipe of Ravager axe
Basilisk's chain boots – Recipe of Beastmaster boots
Basilisk's full helm - Recipe of The iron crown
Basilisk’s hard leather armor – Recipe of Ancient majesty
Basilisk's studded leather – Recipe of Beastmaster garb
Bastard sword of damage (V) –Recipe of Bloodletter
Barbarian's broad axe (V) - Recipe of Istaura's justice
Black knight's maul – Recipe of Dragonheart
Bowman's antlers - Recipe of Harmony of all
Bowman's falcon Mask - Recipe of Eternal Beauty
Bowman’s hawk helm - Recipe of Sight of the eagle
Bowman's The centurion - Recipe of Forgotten armor
Cavalier’s tower shield - Recipe of Meteoric shield
Centaur captain's Frenzy - Recipe of Flawless (#s2)
Centaur captain's The salamander - Recipe of Oakheart staff
Champion's crown shield – Recipe of Berserker shield
Champion's crown shield - Recipe of Royal Shield
Champion's gothic shield – Recipe of Champion’s helm
Champion's Meteoric shield - Recipe of The protecter(#s2)
Champion's Platinum shield - Recipe of The protecter (#s2)
Champion's The protecter - Recipe of Guardian shield (#s2)
Champion's The protecter - Recipe of Guardian shield (#s2)
Champion's tower shield – Recipe of Champion’s defender
Champion’s Wonder shield - Recipe of Flechette ward
Chaos hydra's full plate mail - Recipe of Elven battlemage robe
Chaos hydra's gothic mail - Recipe of Serpent vestment
Claws of strength (V) – Recipe of Bear claws
Crown of damage (V) – Recipe of Beastmaster helmet
Crusader's bone wand - Recipe of Hands of flame
Crusader’s crossbow – Recipe of Doomslinger
Crusader's Endkindled cleaver - Recipe of Mourneblade (#s2)
Crusader's Frenzy - Recipe of Manastorm spire (#s2)
Crusader's Glorious sword - Recipe of Frenzy
Crusader's Glorious sword - Recipe of Heirloom sword
Crusader's mace – Recipe of Champion’s defender
Crusader's Manastorm spire – Recipe of Apocalypse (#s2)
Crusader's morning star - Recipe of Thorn
Crusader’s spiked club – Recipe of Addiction
Crusader's war axe - Recipe of Soulburn
Cyclop's Angelic axe - Recipe of Endkindled cleaver
Cyclop king's Assassin's kiss – Recipe of Balance (#s2)
Cyclop king's flamberge – Recipe of Blackened tooth of Karsha
Cyclop king's giant axe - Recipe of Thunderstroke
Cyclop king's Xeria's fury - Recipe of Fury of the elements (#s2)
Demon’s amulet - Recipe of Fire king's crown
Demon baron's amulet - Recipe of Fire king’s foecrusher
Demon baron's amulet - Recipe of Fire king’s trappings
Demon baron's amulet - Recipe of Hunter's mark
Demon baron’s amulet - Recipe of The warlord’s crest
Demon baron's ring - Recipe of Fire king’s will
Demon baron's ring - Recipe of Fire king’s will
Demon's Bloodsoaked ring - Recipe of Gleamstone
Demon's Hunter's mark - Recipe of Soul of the north
Demon's The lich's heart – Recipe of Assassin’s heirloom (#s2)
Dendroid's great helm - Recipe of Pulsing horns
Dendroid’s hawk helm - Recipe of Grams relic
Dendroid's hawk helm - Recipe of Ravager helm
Dendroid's helm of glory - Recipe of Nightwolf crest
Dendroid’s kite shield - Recipe of Meteoric shield
Dendroid’s splint mail - Recipe of Entropy
Dendroid's splint mail - Recipe of The warlord's cage
Dread knight's Undead wrath - Recipe of Frost talon
Druid's battle staff (V) - Recipe The soul vortex
Druid's war staff (V) - Recipe The soul vortex
Dwarf's amulet – Recipe of Bear claws
Dwarf's amulet - Recipe of Eternal beauty
Dwarf's amulet - Recipe of Eternal dignity
Dwarf’s hawk helm - Recipe of Grams relic
Dwarf's Lance Guard - Recipe of Platinum Shield
Dwarf's rondache - Recipe of Mirror of vistira
Efreet’s avenger guard - Recipe of Sight of the eagle
Efreet's avenger guard - Recipe of The warlord horns
Elf's antlers - Recipe of Elven ring
Elf's antlers - Recipe of Elven battlemage cowl
Elf's gnarled staff – Recipe of Archdruid station
Elf's Gold skin - Recipe of Forgotten armor
Elf's hard leather armor - Recipe of Elven battlemage robe
Elf’s heavy boots – Recipe of Elven battlemage boots
Elf’s mancatcher – Recipe of Bloodthief
Elf's mask - Recipe of Pulsing horns
Elf's Shaman's staff - Recipe of Magister's station
Gargoyle's antlers - Recipe of Helm of nobility
Genies ruler's amulet - Recipe of Magic amulet
Genies ruler's amulet - Recipe of Magic amulet
Ghost behemoth's matriarchal bow - Recipe of Soldier's justice (#s2)
Ghost behemoth's talons - Recipe of Suwayyah (#s2)
Ghost behemoth's yew wand - Recipe of The curving stream (#s2)
Giant axe of strength (V) - Recipe of Fire king’s foecrusher
Glorious gold dragon’s amulet - Recipe of Master’s Charm
Gnoll's long battle bow - Recipe of Wizendraw
Gnoll's spiked club - Recipe of Thorn
Goblin's The minotaur - Recipe of Grimsteel reaver
Golem's Bone flesh - Recipe of Oakcase
Golem's Steel Clash - Recipe of Platinum Shield
Gorgon's ring – Recipe of Beastmaster helmet
Great maul of dexterity (V) – Recipe of Dragonheart
Greater basilisk's Forest dancers - Recipe of Lifewalk (#s2)
Greater basilisk's heavy boots – Recipe of Beastmaster boots
Greater basilisk's Nightwolf crest - Recipe of Glacial crown (#s2)
Greater basilisk's Oakcase - Recipe of Woodland finery (#s2)
Greater basilisk's Volcano boots - Recipe of Forest dancers (#s2)
Greater basilisk's Woodland finery - Recipe of Etched spirit (#s2)
Gremlin's dagger – Recipe of Citaa
Gremlin's long bow - Recipe of Raven claw
Griffin's Battle boots - Recipe of Panther's paw
Griffin’s heraldic shield - Recipe of Royal Shield
Halberdier's ring - Recipe of Gold ring
Harpy hag's ring - Recipe of The warlord’s sign
Harpy hag's Spellbinder - Recipe of Plainswalker's relic (s#2)
Harpy's balanced axe - Recipe of Soulburn
Harpy's Frenzy - Recipe of Xeria's fury(#s2)
Harpy's wolf head - Recipe of Helm of the wild
Hydra's full plate mail - Recipe of Nature's avatar
Hydra’s gothic mail - Recipe of Entropy
Hydra’s gothic mail – Recipe of Ancient majesty
Imp's Blood leather armor – Recipe of Bloodspeaker robe
Imp's cap - Recipe of Elven battlemage cowl
Imp's fanged helm - Recipe of The warlord horns
Imp's Ravager armor - Recipe of Stonecase (#s2)
Imp's Ravager helm - Recipe of Smoke's cowl (#s2)
Imp's skull cap - Recipe of The iron crown
Imp's wolf head - Recipe of Helm of the wild
Infernal troglodyte's amulet - Recipe of Hunter's mark
Infernal troglodyte's amulet - Recipe of Silver amulet
Infernal troglodyte's Gleamstone - Recipe of Spellbinder (#s2)
Infernal troglodytes ring - Recipe of The warlord’s sign
Infernal troglodyte's Spellbinder - Recipe of Keh's rulership (#s2)
Jewel of armor (V)
Jewel of damage (V)
Jewel of dexterity (V)
Jewel of strength (V)
Jewel of wisdom (V)
Lich mogul's amulet - Recipe of The lich’s hands
Lich mogul’s amulet - Recipe of The lich’s heart
Lich mogul's amulet - Recipe of Mysterious token
Lich mogul's ring - Recipe of The lich's tooth
Lich mogul's ring - Recipe of The lich’s hands
Lich's Eye of the tempest - Recipe of Nexus prism (#s2)
Lich's The lich's heart - Recipe of Soranith's amulet
Lich's The lich’s tooth - Recipe of Keh’s might
Light plate of endurance (V) - Recipe of Eternal dignity
Lizard's Beastmaster garb - Recipe of Mantle of the north (#2)
Lizard's Elven battlemage boots - Recipe of Stormdancers (#s2)
Lizard’s heavy boots - Recipe of The warlord's tread
Lizard's Helm of glory – Recipe of Elfhame (#s2)
Lizard's Hunter's mark - Recipe of Water spirit's blessing (#s2)
Lizard's jawbone cap - Recipe of Helm of nobility
Lizard's Master's charm - Recipe of Forest light (#s2)
Lizard's targe - Recipe of Glimmerhold
Long staff of health (V) – Recipe of Beastmaster staff
Magi’s chain boots - Recipe of The warlord's tread
Magi’s full helm - Recipe of Serpent of Vistira
Magi's matriarchal pike - Recipe of Gorerod
Magi's undead crown - Recipe of Spite
Marksman’s amulet - Recipe of The lich’s heart
Master genie's Eye of the tempest - Recipe of Diamond amulet (#s2)
Master genie's Mysterious token - Recipe of Eye of the Tempest (#s2)
Medusa emperor's amulet - Recipe of Mysterious token
Medusa's aerin shield - Recipe of Mirror of vistira
Medusa's assault helm – Recipe of Chaos glare
Medusa’s assault helm - Recipe of Fire king's crown
Medusa’s ceremonial bow – Recipe of Cliffkiller
Medusa emperor's amulet - Recipe of Silver amulet
Mighty gorgon's Fire king's will - Recipe of Stoutgrip (#s2)
Mighty gorgons king's Keh's might - Recipe of Spellbinder (#s2)
Mighty gorgons king's Spellbinder - Recipe of Keh's rulership (#s2)
Mighty gorgon's ring – Recipe of Beastmaster staff
Mighty gorgon's ring - Recipe of Harmony of all
Minotaur king's Endkindled cleaver - Recipe of Flawless (#s2)
Minotaur king's Frenzy - Recipe of Mourneblade (#s2)
Minotaur king's great axe - Recipe of Thunderstroke
Minotaur king’s great sword - Recipe of Rahvan's sunsword
Minotaur king's Isterus wisdom - Recipe of Manastorm spire (#s2)
Minotaur king's Mourneblade - Recipe of Fury of the elements (#s2)
Minotaur king's Spirit of bolivar - Recipe of Apocalypse (#s2)
Minotaur king's yew wand – Recipe of Blood drinker
Minotaur's battle staff – Recipe of Archdruid station
Minotaur's great sword – Recipe of Citaa
Monk's chu-ko-nu - Recipe of Ichorsting
Monk's full helm - Recipe of Ravager helm
Monk's Gold ring - Recipe of Lorethal’s eminence
Monk's Gold skin - Recipe of Purifier vestments
Monk's hard leather armor - Recipe of Traveler's robe
Monk's Helm of glory – Recipe of Diamond mask
Monk's Holy sword - Recipe of Heirloom sword
Monk's Master's charm - Recipe of Kreya’s Pendant
Monk's morning Star – Recipe of Desert Fire
Monk's ring mail - Recipe of Ravager skin
Naga queen's hard leather armor – Recipe of Bloodsoaked leather
Naga queen's light plate - Recipe of Serpent vestment
Naga queen's studded leather - Recipe of Nature's avatar
Naga queen's Vigilant hauberk - Recipe of Woodland finery (#s2)
Naga queen's Woodland finery - Recipe of Etched spirit (#s2)
Naga queen's Woodland finery - Recipe of Lightning shroud (#s2)
Naga's scale mail - Recipe of Ravager skin
Naga's studded leather - Recipe of Traveler's robe
Necromancer's dagger (V) – Recipe of Blood drinker
Necromancer's double axe (V) - Recipe of Istaura's justice
Ogre mage’s amulet - Recipe of The warlord’s crest
Ogre mage's ring - Recipe of The lich's tooth
Ogre mage's Eye of the tempest - Recipe of Nexus prism (#s2)
Ogre’s balanced axe – Recipe of Addiction
Ogre’s bone Shield – Recipe of Berserker shield
Ogre's Demon head - Recipe of Tyrant’s horns
Ogre's Lava boots - Recipe of Volcano boots
Ogre's short war bow - Recipe of Pluckeye
Ogre's The chieftain - Recipe of Grimsteel reaver
Orc chieftan's Tyrant's horns - Recipe of Glacial crown (#s2)
Paladin’s bastard sword (V) - Recipe of Rahvan's sunsword
Paladin's scimitar (V) – Recipe of Champion’s edge
Pegasus’ chain boots– Recipe of Elven battlemage boots
Pegasus's Lazarus spire - Recipe of Oakheart staff
Pegasus' The centurion - Recipe of Wildclaw
Pegasus' war sword – Recipe of Bloodletter
Pikeman's Frenzy - Recipe of Spirit of Bolivar (#s2)
Pit fiend’s Blood leather armor - Recipe of Vigilant hauberk
Pit fiend’s hard leather armor - Recipe of Ravager armor
Pit lord's chain mail - Recipe of The warlord's cage
Pit lord's light plate - Recipe of The radiant sun
Pit lord’s ring mail - Recipe of Ravager armor
Pit lord's Woodland finery - Recipe of Lightning shroud (#s2)
Pixie's Forest boots - Recipe of Growth of ages
Pixie's hunter's bow - Recipe of Witherstring
Quilted armor of endurance (V) – Recipe of Beastmaster garb
Ring of Mana (V) - Recipe of Elven ring
Roc's blade - Recipe of Shadow assassin blade
Rogue chief's ring - Recipe of Gold ring
Rogue chief's ring - Recipe of Recovery ring
Rondache of wisdom (V) - Recipe of Glimmerhold
Silver pegasus' Eye of the tempest - Recipe of Diamond amulet (#s2)
Silver pegasus' Kreya's pendant - Recipe of Eye of the Tempest (#s2)
Skeleton's Endkindled cleaver - Recipe of Xeria's fury (#s2)
Skeleton’s Lazrus spire - Recipe of Isterus wisdom
Skeleton's saber - Recipe of Shadow assassin blade
Skeleton's Soul harvest - Recipe of Frost talon
Splint mail of health (V) - Recipe of Fire king’s trappings
Sprite's ring - Recipe of Hands of flame
Sprite's ring - Recipe of Recovery ring
Troglodyte's frenzy - Recipe of Spirit of Bolivar (#s2)
Undead crown of damage (V) – Recipe of Death helm
Unicorn's full helm – Recipe of Champion’s helm
Unicorn’s great helm - Recipe of Serpent of Vistira
Vampire lord’s assault helm - Recipe of Mask of slaughter
Vampire lord's leather armor – Recipe of Bloodsoaked leather
Vampire lord's spirit mask - Recipe of Spite
Vampire lord's undead crown – Recipe of Chaos glare
Vampire lord's Venoms ward – Recipe of Bloodspeaker robe
Vampire's Arctic boots - Recipe of Grace of night
Vampire's Beastmaster boots - Recipe of Shadowstep (#s2)
Vampire's Demon Head - Recipe of Wyrmskin cowl
Vampire’s Demon head - Recipe of Shadow assassin mask
Vampire's undead crown – Recipe of Bloodsoaked ring
Vampire’s undead crown - Recipe of Mask of slaughter
War axe of health (V) – Recipe of Bloodpounder
Weak great maul – Recipe of Earthcrafter
Weak maul – Recipe of Earthcrafter
Wolf’s mancatcher – Recipe of Doomlance
Wolf's war hammer – Recipe of Bloodpounder
Wyvern monarch's Forest dancers - Recipe of Lifewalk (#s2)
Wyvern monarch's Growth of ages - Recipe of Forest dancers (#s2)
Zealot’s amulet - Recipe of Master’s Charm
Zombie's ring – Recipe of Bloodsoaked ring
15-02-22 10:12
cherokee_rose: Correction
Recipe of Wyrmskin cowl
-Vampire's Demon Head
-Jewel of Armor V
13-08-22 06:13
illusionz: Okay, you asked for it, so I did it. Alphabetically.

NOTE: If an item is listed MORE THAN ONCE, that means it is an ingredient in MORE THAN ONE recipe.
13-08-18 07:58
cherokee_rose: Correction
Recipe of Grams relic
-Dendroid’s hawk helm
-Dwarf’s hawk helm
13-07-21 19:20
cherokee_rose: Correction
Recipe of Sight of the eagle
-Bowman's hawk helm
-Efreet avenger guard
13-07-02 19:38
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