plz stop supporting cheaters!
someone had said -albularyo- was suspended bcoz he's strong. lol
"don't talk too much, if you haven't known the truth"
tht quote was said by a fair play filipino player.
ur friend -albularyo- was suspended for scamming players n using a trade glitch tht dissappears players item who traded with them. lol thriller, god1 n rafaellaurett was his victims.
so stop defending ur friends who use glitches!
13-05-25 19:02

so ahaha is shankz? anyway idc lol
and shankz is blaming me that i asked mods to ban her?
go check msg logs of admin panel, n see if i msged any mod to ban u or anyone.
and ur telling tht the reason is u pked me? lol
i've no problems bcoz u beat me, i knw hw to admit defeat. did i cry a river on chat tht day i lost my beloved armor?
did i curse anyone or u?
i didn't?
you knw pvp is like this either win or lose, i win i got ur armor, i lost u got my armor lol. i dont take this things seriously!
if i want i can make a new one. and you knw tht i was even willing to buy it frm u

so y would i complain to ban u?
nvm abt tht lol
and regarding mods accusing u for being rank_ace, i would say that mods have evidence thts y they are accusing u lol.
and this after reading this glitching nonsense story i feel pitty for the credit buyers!
so now theres no point of playing this game huh?
a lvl 55 player wearing items of all classes! wat a joke?
so stop blaming me, tht i asked mods to ban u -_-
and we all knw that rank_ace have history of doing random nonsense glitchs in game lol. do u remember u send this to me
" shankz: i borrow it to sc4v3nger .i think i should give all gear to him for replacement. XD
2013-05-23 21:12:25 Delete"
that proves u have a connection with him. ??
whatever lol..dreamer should check the logs n find out what really happened n hw u became so powerful even a player with 700+dex miss u lol
and how u had 3k+ hp does 2k+ damage, wisdom over 400 or whater dex also tht high with jst wearing a lazurise spire, x2 arch magi leaders ring victor silk, devil tower shield, white wolf head? am i right? lol
maybe its becoming lil too long now!

13-05-25 18:54

Its my opinion...
Do u guys want to know why a lot of filipino got banned or suspended??
Because a lot of cheater is from filipino...
I have a lot of filipino friends...
And guess what?
They told me that they are cheating this game...
One of them is pakazo2006...
He is my friend when we're at s2(when shatter be diablo)...
He told me that he is duplicating a gear,, thats why he is so rich...
So, dont blaming admin (dreamer) because he banning a lot of filipino player...
He just banning a CHEATHERS....
So stop to defend your cheaters friend and stop this f ing drama!!!
Im tired with all of u arguing a glitch!!
And i agree with this:
- fr3nzy is not deserve got an unsuspended,,,
if someone got suspended that mean he/she do something very bad,,.
So, why dreamer unsuspended him??
What fr3nzy do to get unsuspended?
Then if player got suspended, then they can do something like fr3nzy to get unsuspended right??
- and yeah, we need a really good mods!!
I got banned 3 time because a silly reason..
Example: i post my fb account at chat.. Then i got banned a day...
And i got banned a weeks because i ever discussing why pakazo got suspended...
And boudica is the only 1 that always banning me....
To be honest, she is a good mods...
But, she is, little unfriendly to ur(player)..
We need a friendly mods dremer..
And actually, im the first person know 7nostribe cheating...
He/she told me..
Then i pm dreamer, but, he's not respond my pm...
Its really hurting me..
13-05-25 18:40

13-05-25 18:13

13-05-25 17:56