General » this game is unfair.
Read from beginning
fr3nzy: and btw shankz or rank_ace or whatever -albularyo- was suspended for scamming players. Thriller lost his dragon plate. One victim of his.
13-05-25 14:48
fr3nzy: and agape sometimes use your own char to post things. Dont spoil guntler(thrasher) name
13-05-25 14:46
illusionz: And you may or may not be rank_ace, but you guys sure spend a lot of time in chat talking about "piloting" each others accounts. What about that?
13-05-25 14:37
illusionz: Oh look! Straight from the PH chat room. I'll even help you translate it, okay?:

ryuky00: ang title 'kung panu ang su0t kung gear ay 38 piraso' haha
13-05-24 16:59:40 (the title is 'what if im wearing 38 pieces of gear'

agape: 38? Haha tengene (38? Haha wtf)

lothario: patong2 ung gear pera 8 lng nkkta?
13-05-24 17:01:29 (overlapping gears but there are only 8 gears visible?)
13-05-25 14:36
illusionz: Wew wee..How about that gear stacking, shankz? Howz that working out for you? Hmm, you think just because you find a glitch and its not repaired that makes it okay to use it?
13-05-25 14:31
ahaha: shankz
Banned (time left 8496 min.)
Level 78 Druid

(Server #1)

mods why r u accusing me for being not rank_ace .ur accusing w/o evidence and banned me ?or you just banned me bcoz i killed xylene?what a dirty tactics by urs.lots of us (filipin0) are banned.we kn0w that we are n0t cred.buyer but we are playing hard here to be str0nger .then when we bcome str0ng u gonna banned us. Omg so unfair. And frenzy the one who told mods that suspend me for being glitcher :D U Are the glitcher fr3nzy .u have been suspend for 2time and then unsuspend?maybe dreamer earning t0o much from u:D but if filipin0 has been suspended .there n0 chance to unsuspended? So unfair .and i rmember they suspend albu bcoz fr3nzy cant beat albu. wew scared?
13-05-25 14:26
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