1.dont try escape clicking on another space ör tile .it may lead to atack u by the mob and u loose ur wearing item (in s2).
2. Go loging out and try return when smbdy kils that unit and u are free to go.
3. If u can atack a nearby mob say a basic which is weaker than you atack that and kil it and u escape from the high mob, . .best way of escape. . .
eg u r in monastery lvl2 atacking a
high lvl quest and u run out of health potions and its sure u die if u try escape . . Then atack a monk or zealot nearby and u escape frm the quest atcking back. . .i recomand this . .

4. Take al ur items u r wearing and put it in ur inventry and click anywhr on map . .u dnt loose equipment if u die. .

13-06-03 18:54
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