General » TIPS for lvl making money???
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disaster_lil_bro: anyone who has any tips or tricks for money making leave ur message here
13-06-15 22:01
-krixus-: Server 1
Sell Magic Scrolls in MP.
Sell Stamina Potions in MP.
Collect item pieces, craft them to make an item and sell them in the MP.
Sell gems at MP.
Find Legendary equipment ingredients, Sell them at the MP
Sell runes at.. I'm sure you got this by now.

Server 2
Same as server 1 but its harder to sell at the start. So instead make as many mining chars as you can find time to use and get them to a level where they can pull gems from a mine. Sell all gems that you have no need for on your main account and you will really soon have enough money to do what you want over there. Then as the server progresses revert back to server 1 sale to make gold methods
13-06-16 14:13
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