Ideas » Trading Post
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-krixus-: A place where players can leave lots of items. For example.

Lot. 1
Owner: -krixus-
Magic Scroll
Magic Scroll
Chaos Hydra Victors Silk
Elven Battlemage Boots

Leave Offer

Now when the player clicks leave offer they can then select items or gold or credit amounts and a mix of all 3 if they chose to. Each lot would be left in the post for upto one week at most or could have and offer accepted whenever the lot owner is happer with what they have been offerd.

Each player would only be able to make 1 lot at a time to stop people spamming it with junk items and a max lot size would have to be implemented. Or possibly allow more lots to be made at a small credit cost but again I see this only bein used as a temporary keeper if that was the case.
13-06-16 14:25
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