General » Wall of Shame
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cherokee_rose: .

2ndly - dickies, was trading 2 pieces of gear to 200c and did not come through with the gear... BAD dickies!
14-06-02 07:23
cherokee_rose: .
Two new additions:

* shakeys - should have been added a long time ago. He has a couple of 'shakeys' accounts. Don't trust him in trades for credits.

14-06-02 07:23
cherokee_rose: New addition to the Wall:

shadownova was loaned some gear and credits by a generous player trying to help a noob out. It was clear that it was all a loan.

Then he leveled up a little and sold the angelic axe, and traded away the gold skin to Illusionz (who found out and returned said armor). To date, shadownova continues to beg others for loans and things, and has only repaid HALF of the credits and none of the gear (or its value)
14-05-18 07:24
boudica: A new scammer in BD: mistressemily... He will tell you that he will 'trade' a legendary item to you, but only if you transfer credits to him first...

The Marketplace was created to prevent scams like this. If a player won't place an item for sale in the Marketplace, he just wants to steal your credits.

Also, don't let a player trick you with the same scam reversed... Don't trade an item to a player who promises to transfer the credits to you after he receives the item first. You will lose your item & never receive the credits.

Use the Marketplace! It is the only safe way to buy or sell.
14-04-14 00:29
boudica: toekidjo ~ For dishonesty...

toekidjo came to mod cherokee_rose about not receiving credits that he bought through Paymentwall. She gave him 29c of her own credits just to help him out.

Then he came to me & said that rose only gave him 29c & it should have been doubled because of the credits sale. I gave him 29c of my own credits...

Then today, toekidjo came to cherokee_rose & told her he should have received a total of 58c because of the credits sale... He didn't realize that mods communicate with each other. You see, I required that toekidjo acknowledge receiving the additional 29c from me. He thought he could get more credits than he was due to receive. However I have a pm from him saying thanks for the 58c.

Shame on you toekidjo!
14-04-10 07:40
cherokee_rose: This forum is to remain locked, and only opened for the purpose of allowing a player to post their complaint. ***MODS, please lock the forum back up if you unlock it***
14-01-28 20:35
bladsy: 4/7
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