Level 17 Paladin
(I am cheater/glitcher)(i work for dreamer)
I killed him/her and zip creds in my creds slot
14-01-11 04:40

14-01-08 15:16

siam: Do not mention this deal
to anyone
2014-01-08 03:37:04 Delete wew b'coz you cheat me?
14-01-08 06:16

2014-01-08 04:08:30 Delete
yet another account of hell_bound aka hell-girl scamming players out of gear/credits
14-01-08 04:21

Level 93 Barbarian
MESHAKH didn't return my 20c that he borrowed. It supposed to be returned in 3days. He promised to return it last november 1st as s2 start but still, he didn't do it. He promised 3x. 1st, if his helm will be sold. 2nd, his armor. 3rd, his jewel.
13-12-21 17:28

rentao: I wait then he log out tsk tsk
13-11-18 20:22 Delete
rentao: Inbox
--danzelle--:wait mag change char aq.
2013-11-18 18:17:32 Delete
13-11-18 20:21 Delete
rentao: I sell my ec to him then we agreed that hel pay me in s2 for just 50c but after i trade my ec (which is i copy my trade confirmation) he sed he change char to pay me in s2 but he never pay me!now he deny that he have my ec!my proof is this "
Offer trade
Your offer: Minotaur's earth crafter
You have been offered:Magi's amulet
Mana: +20
Wisdom: +3
Level: 10
Do you want to confirm this trade?
» Confirm
« Back
13-11-18 20:19 Delete
13-11-19 08:02