Ideas » A Simple solution
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disaster_lil_bro: i agree but what about ppl who havnt been playing the game for abit years id like to hear there opinions i think they would like this, maybe it could be made optional like difficulty??
13-06-24 14:26
boudica: Nice idea. But part of the game is making yourself knowledgible about all aspects of the game. You don't want it handed to you so easily, do you? I like a challenge.
13-06-24 14:22
cherokee_rose: that's a good idea!
13-06-24 12:39
disaster_lil_bro: have a star next to ingredient names it saves going though page after page of forums. just think how many are lost to blacksmith unknowingly i know iv done it. also it advertises what they are in mp -good2-
13-06-23 23:02
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